Muscular Endurance TRAINING
for the Tactical Athlete
With THE DOMEX Strength & Fitness PROGRAM

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Course Curriculum:
Course Overview:
Course Description:
The program design included here is for the individual to work on their muscular endurance which is a key component for optimal performance and career longevity. Additionally, muscular endurance is crucial for the tactical athlete who finds themselves lifting and moving external loads or resistive forces repeated times throughout their daily jobs. Muscular endurance is the body’s ability to exert sub-maximal contractions and repetitions with a certain force or object. An example would be to conduct a bench press, squat or bicep curl for generally 12+ repetitions and more. This repetition count correlates to an intensity of less than 67 % of your One Repetition Maximum (1RM). Furthermore, the exact rest periods are programmed into this four week program which will keep you focused on building the physiological adaptations of muscular endurance. This stresses the glycolytic energy system by limiting the time your muscles energy stores are able to replenish. Therefore, the body then begins to handle and adapt better to stress. By building muscular endurance through this program, you will make physiological adaptations that will improve both your anaerobic and aerobic capacity.
How a tactical athlete training program prepares for functional fitness
Now that the job description and role of a ‘tactical athlete” is clearly defined, and why muscular endurance is needed for the tactical athlete, then how does an individual train like a “tactical athlete?” Some of the variables that need to adhered to when implementing a sound program design for a “tactical athlete” should be centered upon the following:
- Conducting training based upon a tactical athlete’s job description entails devising a program design for what they do through utilizing the three anatomical planes of human movement. Training this way makes the tactical operator better equipped to successfully conquer any physically demanding task they encounter. Not only does this accomplish these objectives but equally important, assists the operator in aiding them in preventing Musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries. The three anatomical planes of human movement are the following:
- (A) Saggittal plane which separates the left and right sides of the body.
- (B) Frontal plane which separates the anterior and posterior of the body.
- (C) Transverse plane which separates the upper (superior) and lower (inferior) halves of the body

“Tactical athlete” training through all 3 anatomical planes of human movement.
The following is a brief list of how a “tactical athlete” should center their training upon which takes into account of all three anatomical planes of movement. This is not an all-inclusive list but rather a representative sample of the desired movement patterns in order to elicit optimal physical performance.
- Resistance Training Exercise Techniques – Bench press, deadlift, squat, Romanian Deadlift and several more with the purchase of the program.
- Bodyweight Exercises: Pull/Chin-ups, push-ups, planks and several more with the purchase of this program.
- Flexibility and Mobility Exercise Techniques and Programming – Mobility is affected by one’s ability to move freely through coordination and without restriction. Flexibility does not indicate the ability of movement but rather the ability for one to develop a range of motion for ones muscles, ligaments and tendons. Stability is ability to maintain control of joint movement around its axis. Types of stretching – Static, ballistic and dynamic. It should be noted that “dynamic stretching” is considered one of the premium forms of stretching to be effected before conducting an exercise session as it raises the core temperature of the body in preparation for exercise. (Further explanations of dynamic stretching with examples can be found at our IG page of @Domexstrengthandfitness and linked articles on this website.)
Muscular endurance modalities devised for today’s 1st Responders and tactical athletes.
The following is a program design of four workouts devised into a two-day upper and two-day lower body split to be conducted for anaerobic conditioning through resistance training. This routine will add a fifth day of muscular endurance training (as a bonus feature) that can be programmed in giving the athlete an excellent option to progress their training even more tactically by taxing the body with entire workouts that only use unconventional methods such as bodyweight and sandbags.